The administrational war of dominace between the two most populous church denominations in Anambra has gotten to its heights with the two parties battling who will occupy key positions in the government which includes elective and appointed key positions in Government,This does not leave out the civil service as this affects postings and occupying of the said juicy positions as regards various departments and ministries.
This war became evident since the return of democracy because denominational dominance could not be exhibited during the military era maybe due to the fact that citizenry has some level of fear in them.This has gone as far Heads of various denominations exacting pressure on who governs the state because of the level of followership he has.
This war for the most part of the democratic rule has been won by the Roman Catholics leaving the Anglicans behind an struggling to put up a fight,This is due to the catholics are more populated which in turn means more cult followership,This has in turn given the head of this denomination a huge level of influence as to who occupies key positions due to the role they play in the emergence of the person at the herm of the affairs of the state,this has also extended in recruitment into the state civil service they now submit a long list of people they want employed not minding if they are actually qualified for the positions in question.
The question here should be if there should be a war at all looking at what is supposed to be main goal of religion and spirituality and should religion have that level of influence on the government. At some point we will realize that we have actually been sacrificing merit and order on the alter favoritism and mediocrity because this will definitely affect productivity because we will have so many square pegs in round holes.
Are we a better people with this denominational war???
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