Soludo’s *”STEEZE”* and commitment to financial transparency

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Soludo’s *”STEEZE”* and commitment to financial transparency

By Izuchukwu Adichie

*” STEEZE”* is trending, thanks to Gen Z. It perfectly encapsulates Soludo’s impressive approach to managing Anambra’s lean resources while ensuring fiscal transparency and accountability. This is clear evidence that our finances are in reliable hands and assuring that Soludo has built a robust, dynamic economy and ensures transparent and sustainable financial stability and independence. He will undoubtedly leave the state in a more prosperous condition than when he took office.

In 2023, Anambra was listed in the fiscal performance table for the first time in history. Additionally, the state was ranked among the top five Best Fiscal Performers in the country and number one in the Presidential Ease of Doing Business in southern Nigeria. Making history in 2024, Anambra, for the first time, secured the number one position as Nigeria’s most transparent state in the FISCAL TRANSPARENCY ranking. This reaffirms Soludo’s strong financial management, prudence, and accountability, proving his prowess as a fixer, reformer, and jinx breaker.

Soludo has continued to set standards for other elected political officeholders in the country. Doing more with less — without even borrowing a kobo. One cannot but commend his track record as an itinerant traveler who has traversed to 45 countries across the world and consulted for 21 International financial and development institutions, oversaw the consolidation of banks, built Nigeria’s highest-ever foreign reserve, and received uncommon excellent testimonials from the two Nigerian Presidents he served under — Olusegun Obasanjo and Late Alh. Musa Yar’Ardua and his innovative ideas of handling the Anambra’s finances.

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